IPCC sees a need for CDR – nature-based AND direct air carbon capture and storage – of 7-9 Gt for the 1,5 Degrees target in 2050. The 2024 Emissions Gap Report writes that next NDCs “require a much faster progression through its formative phase to reach gigaton scale by mid-century“, mentioning 30-800 Mt of novel…
Category: CCS

Countries should take cooling targets
While we passed the 1,5° Degrees, as the IPCC predicted an overshoot, and reductions will bring temperatures down later, I believe that in addition to emission reduction targets, which only take effect after years, countries should additionally make temperature reduction commitments and start cooling their countries and cities. For example greening of about 1/3 of…

IPCC: global failure and hope
This weekend the Synthesis Report was adopted in Interlaken, Switzerland, of 6 recent IPCC reports on science, impacts, mitigation, landuse and oceans. It is a summary agreed by governments that sums up what governments can do to prevent the worse effects of climate change. The Synthesis will also be used in this years’ climate summit…

Tightening EU ETS leads to zero emissions before 2040
The tightened and expanded ETS CO2 trading system is part of the so-called ‘Fit for 55’ package and helps to achieve the total CO2 target of 55% reduction in 2030 (laid down in the European Climate Act). The new ETS is gratifying news: it leads to zero emissons already by 2039. With full implementation, the…

We have the Fund, 7 years rest to close the emissions gap; the CO2 market can help bridge it
The CoP27 climate talks in Sharm el Sheik ended in agreements, but the consensus rule made it extra hard this year, as many nations suffer climate disasters, war and energy crisis. I was not at the CoP this year, but was involved via the International Emissions Trading Association. Groundbreaking was, against the background described before,…

Six tips to make the climate summit to a success
The annual climate summit, after a year of Corona postponement, is happening in Glasgow as CoP26, the first two weeks of November. I will attend the CoP for Climate Neutral Group. And I give hereby my six tips for the summit summarized in a few words: you get more ambition with more flexibility. My tips…

Climate policy under Biden: homework & international rallying
With Biden, the United States can give global climate policy the necessary stimulus, and fill in the political vacuum if it gets its own house back in order. New US President Joe Biden cited climate as one of his priorities. Now that he can have a majority in the Senate with 50 Democratic senators and…
Houd aan klimaattafels oog voor internationaal perspectief
Nadat kabinet Rutte III het ‘groenste regeerakkoord ooit’ had gepubliceerd, vroeg ik me af of het kabinet niet een blinde vlek had voor internationale ontwikkelingen. Mijn vrees dat de af te spreken maatregelen dan wel eens te duur en contraproductief zouden kunnen zijn, blijkt bewaarheid te gaan worden. Mijn pleidooi: houd bij de klimaattafels meer…