In the past year, a lot of attention has been paid to the role of international supply chains. This was because we noticed their vulnerability due to corona as important manufacturing parts could not be delivered, shareholders are forcing oil companies to reduce CO2 emissions in the upstream and downstream chain (‘scope-3’ emissions) and research…
Category: column
Climate policy under Biden: homework & international rallying
With Biden, the United States can give global climate policy the necessary stimulus, and fill in the political vacuum if it gets its own house back in order. New US President Joe Biden cited climate as one of his priorities. Now that he can have a majority in the Senate with 50 Democratic senators and…
Tropical forest protection needs positive incentives from the EU
Tropical deforestation still contributes some 17% to global greenhouse gas emissions and the problem is on the radar of the EU and against EU driven deforestation. However, the focus is limited to negative incentives: on import restrictions and penalties. But forest nations ask for support, for example for sustainable farming without clearing forests. Making use…
EU CO2 target requires flexibility. Switzerland signs a CO2 deal with Peru. Sweden prepares deals.
The European Commission’s “Impact Assessment”, presented with the climate proposals for 2030, describes various scenarios for achieving the CO2 targets. What is striking is that there is still a gap in the emissions budget. The Commission wants to promote CO2 storage in nature and soils through additional market incentives. That is indeed an important, but…
Changing the CORSIA offset baseline breaks trust and is a blow to carbon markets
Changing the CORSIA *) baseline by the June ICAO Council for CO2 offset purchases into 2019 – instead of the agreed average of 2019 and 2020 – would be big mistake. It would break the trust of investors and the public in the aviation offsetting system before it has even begun. And it can mean…
Emissiehandel als Mechanism Design: het belang van informatie en prikkels
Vooraf: Deze column schreef ik in maart 2012 nadat ik met Arnold Heertje had gesproken over de wereld in overlevingscrisis en noodzakelijke omslag naar een duurzame economie. Volgens Heertje stond “optimaal organiseren van prikkels” centraal; hoe zorg je dat ongewenste effecten minder gaan optreden? CO2-handel als “mechanism design”. Ik pleitte in de column voor een…
COVID-19 and Climate Change Each Require Targeted Treatment and Improved Behavior
We’ll meet the COVID challenge by improving our current treatments and practices, not by either jettisoning them or letting the disease run its course. Here’s how that same logic applies to climate change. “Let’s be more pragmatic: the antidote is here!” My contribution on EcosystemMarketplace
EU-Klimaatbeleid: niet méér betalen, maar besparen en méér ambitie
De pro’s en con’s om als Nederland meer gebruik te maken van Europa in Klimaatbeleid. Andere Lidstaten zijn daar actiever in. Na het gereedkomen van het Nederlandse Klimaatakkoord is het interessant te kijken hoe een aantal andere landen dat recentelijk hebben gedaan. Twee dingen vallen op. Ten eerste is er geen andere EU-lidstaat die op…